
Research Studies

School Readiness in Children with ASD: Neurodevelopment and Education STudy (NEST)

In this study funded by the Korean Research Foundation (RS-2023-00209635), we aim to examine school readiness in children with ASD. During the study  we assess  academic  achievement, executive function (EF), and socio-emotional abilities in 5-6 year old children with ASD. Participants are followed for two years so that we can measure the academic and behavioral progress over the early school years. We are also interested in examining the link between behavioral neurophysiological correlates of school readiness using electroencephalogram (EEG). Participating children will play a child-friendly computer  game for a short EEG session.

Unpacking Treatment Mechanisms: Combining Evidence from Three Early Intervention Models for ASD

This NIMH funded project aims to improve our understanding of mechanisms of behavioral changes in toddlers and preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and their caregivers over the course of early parent-mediated interventions. We are specifically interested in examining changes in children's social communication across different treatment models as well as changes in parent behaviors. We will implement newly validated treatment outcome measures as well as automatic acoustic analyses to examine these behavioral changes over the course of ESDM, JASPER, and ESI intervention.

Toy Talk

In collaboration with Dr. Pamela Hadley at the University of Illinois, we are conducting a randomized clinical trial of Toy Talk, an innovative language modeling approach, using telemedicine and video-based feedback. The aim of this intervention is to increase caregivers’ use of interactive play and language strategies to improve the child’s early sentence development. Caregiver-child dyads will participate in weekly parent coaching sessions via telemedicine for 1 hour per week over 6 weeks. Caregivers will be asked to record their interactions with their child at home to help guide each session. Therapists will review these videos prior to each session and provide feedback on different intervention techniques.

JASPER Intervention Study

The aim of this study is to validate new treatment outcome measures, the ELSA (Elicitation of Language Samples for Analysis), OSEL (Observation of Spontaneous Expressive Language), and BOSCC (Brief Observation of Social Communication Change) over the course of a manualized treatment program (Joint Attention, Symbolic Play, Engagement, and Regulation).

Developing a scalable measure of social communication changes in ASD: Brief Observation of Social Communication Change (BOSCC)

In collaboration with Dr. Catherine Lord, we are developing a new treatment outcome measure, Brief Observation of Social Communication Change (BOSCC) for both minimally verbal and verbal children, adolescents and adults with ASD. The initial psychometrics of the BOSCC for minimally verbal children in the contexts of parent-child and examiner-child interactions have been published recently (See publications). We are in the process of validating the BOSCC for verbal children.